Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design (DSD) is an advanced method of designing the patient’s smile that allows the dentist to design the smile prior to the procedure, so the patient can see the final result and how the teeth will look like before beginning the treatment.


Digital Smile Design is not only for teeth correction but also to design a new smile that fits the patient’s face and overall look.


The modern technique of the smile correction DSD allows the patient to ask for any changes to their teeth size, shape, and shade. Through designing a customized smile, Digital Smile Design helps in raising the patient’s satisfaction and happiness.


The modern technique of smile correction procedure helps in improving functional and aesthetic dentistry with greater effectiveness and better quality.


Our specialist dentists take pictures and videos of the entire face of the patient to analyze his/her smile. Then an impression of the teeth is also taken. During these steps the patient discusses his/her expectations from the smile designing process with the specialists.

How Does Digital Smile Design Work?

1. Design the smile: The dentist will discuss the patient’s smile goals during the consultation appointment. Based on this discussion, the dentist can then recommend the needed treatments and agree upon a treatment plan for their patients. Treatments may include teeth whitening, orthodontics (braces/aligners), veneers, crowns, and bridges.


2. Prepare mock-up: After agreeing on the treatment plan, the dentist will take an impression of the patient’s teeth, convert it to digital wax up, do a mock-up, and try it on the patient.


3. Analyze and plan: The mock-up is tried in the patient’s mouth and analyzed. At this point, changes can be made to the size, shape, and color.


4. Final preparation: During this visit, all teeth are prepared and a final scan is taken and sent to the DSD laboratory.


5. Place the new smile: The final restorations are placed and permanently bonded to the teeth during this appointment, and a final check of the function and aesthetic is done before the patient leaves.


6. Follow up: A follow up appointment is given after one week to ensure that the patient is comfortable with their new smile and that it is functioning properly. The doctor may schedule further follow ups.

Benefits of Digital Smile Design:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Is Digital Smile Design?

A Digital Smile Design treatment enables you to co-author your new smile with your dentist. It is possible for you to actually visualize how your porcelain restoration will look by using a plastic mock-up. Afterward, it is possible to make any changes needed, before the permanent porcelain restorations are completed.

Why is it a better option for me?

It really depends on what you hope to achieve through cosmetic dentistry in the first place. If you are looking for something far more personalised to help you sculpt your smile, then there are so many reasons as to why the Digital Smile Design (DSD) option is suitable.


To begin with, you get to decide how you want it. Then, your dentist will step in to assess, evaluate and create design prototypes of your choice on professional software. This enables you to get an idea of how you can expect the smile to look when it is complete.

How long can I expect it to take?

A one-hour initial consultation is the most you should spend. During it, the dentist will have a detailed discussion about how you wish your smile to look like and as well as take impressions scans of your teeth, which is needed to work with.


Next, you will return for a follow-up appointment, where some mock-ups will be fitted so that you can try out your new smile.


Further changes will be done based on this. The treatment will be finalized once you have approved the mock-ups. If it is only one tooth, the new teeth installation may take just one appointment, or it could take several appointments, such as veneers, crowns, fillings…etc.

How is it different to existing methods?

The options for cosmetic dentistry today are very advanced, but Digital Smile Design stands above the rest. Mainly because existing treatments use generic photo editing software, whereas this one uses automatic calibration instruments.


Therefore, our dentists are able to obtain precise measurements, resulting in a highly customized product. Further, the patient can monitor the process at every step with the more advanced tools. As the result, there will be no unpleasant surprises since they will always be in the loop.

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