Dental Implants

Are You Ready to Get One?

Are you someone who lost or broke your natural teeth in an accident? Do you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed to smile or talk to people because of your missing dentures? If this is something you can relate to, then we have a solution for you. Dental implant is the most sought-after remedy for your dental troubles.


So, how is dental implant an effective solution to your problem? Let us take a look at the technique behind dental implants.

The science behind Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgical components which interface with your jaw bone to support any dental prosthesis like a crown, bridge or a teeth. The implants are made of titanium which can form a strong bond with your bone in a process called osseointegration. Our expert dentists will implant the fixture, upon which your missing tooth will be fixed.


Planning to get your dental implants will depend on your general health and as well as your oral health. Poor oral hygiene, smoking, and diabetes are at greater risk of getting gum diseases, which could decrease the chance of your dental implant being successful. Once you are identified as an ideal candidate without any of the risk factors, you can get your implants done.


The implant process has 5 basic steps before placing the actual implant:

  1. An incision is made over the crest of your bone to make sure your final implant will have enough tissue around it in a process called soft tissue reflection. An alternative to this step is a flapless surgery, where a small punch of tissue is removed for the implant to be fit into your bone.

    2. After soft tissue reflection, pilot holes are places in your bone by drilling into it at high speed.

    3. By drilling at low speed, the pilot hole is widened, depending upon the size of the implant.

    4. The fourth step is the placement of the implant. It is crewed or tapped into the prepared site without overloading the surrounding bone.

    5. The final step is allowing the healthy tissue to completely cover the site and keep the implant at the place.

For the implant to become permanently stable and heal, the body must grow bone tissue to cover the surface of the implant. Once the implant is in the right place and state, the dental fixture is placed on the implant, giving you a new tooth at the site. The healing period varies, depending on your oral health at the time of the procedure.

Taking care of your dental implants

Your dental implants need to be taken care of just the way you take care of your own teeth. Brush and floss carefully so as to not disturb the tissue around your implant, but removing any plaque just the same. The porcelain crown on your implant will discolor just like your natural enamel coating. You might also have to repair them every 10 years or so although it could vary depending on factors like the position of the implanted tooth and your food habits. If your implants are to refrain a complete set of the denture, then it must be changed or refreshed every two years. On an average of 95 to 99% of dental implants are successful.

Prevention is key when it comes to dental fistula. Regular brushing of teeth, cleaning the interdental spaces with dental floss, and advice from the dentist on the correct brushing technique can help prevent the formation of bacteria that can lead to dental fistula.


Strengthening the immune system, annual professional teeth cleaning, regular check-ups with the dentist, and a healthy lifestyle can also help protect against tooth decay and diseases of the tooth root.

Advantages of having an implant

Other than the aesthetic factor of having a perfect smile, dental implants will allow you to preserve your bone structure and the shape of your face. Having implants to fill your missing teeth will also allow you to chew your food better, helping your digestion. Each small benefits add up to your overall health, keeping you happy and free of worries. So, don’t keep waiting – visit your dentist today.

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