Troubled From Tooth Sensitivity? Time To See Your Dentist

Dental problems are one of the common health issues among all ages. And not tending to them can lead to severe other problems in the future. For the best results, starting from the root is always a wise choice when it comes to dental care because if the root is well taken off, the teeth will also turn out to be healthy and strong.

One of the common tooth-related problems or irritation that affects people is tooth sensitivity. Dentists in Dubai state that tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem that involves discomfort or pain in teeth when encountering certain substances and temperature. This is more common among adults. The sensitive tooth causes pain which is often sharp and sudden, but temporary. The pain is known to shoot from the tooth’s nerve endings when they encounter strong substances or extreme temperatures. Fortunately, sensitive teeth can be treated and the condition can be improved. Let us learn briefly about tooth sensitivity:

What Are The Causes?

Top dentists in Dubai claim that there isn’t a particular age group who are prone to tooth sensitivity. This particular discomfort can happen to anyone. In healthy teeth, the enamel protects the underlying layer of dentin, which is normally softer than enamel. The roots are protected by gums. But if the enamel is worn down or if the gum line has receded, then the dentin becomes exposed hence giving rise to tooth sensitivity. Dentin is connected to the nerve that triggers pain and sensitivity of the teeth. Some of the other factors that contribute are:

  • Gingivitis: This gum disease can cause your tooth to become sensitive, as the roots of your tooth will get exposed when you have inflamed or sore gum tissue.

  • Plaque: If your tooth is a victim of plaques then there are chances of getting a sensitive tooth.

  • Grinding or clenching your Teeth: When you press down your teeth too hard by grinding it or clenching it for a long time regularly or maybe even while sleeping, can cause wearing down the enamel.

  • Brushing hard:  Although we have been told to brush our teeth regularly, brushing them extremely hard can also be harsh to your teeth. This will gradually rip off the layer and hence lead to tooth sensitivity. People end up brushing too hard by using a hard toothbrush that isn’t good for your teeth, hence causing the enamel to wear off and exposing the dentin. 

  • Cracked teeth: If a person has cracked teeth, they should become more careful by cleaning around teeth because it won’t be visible to the eye. Some areas cannot be reached by the brush hence causing the plaque to fill in by causing inflammation in the pulp of the tooth. When this is isn’t addressed or treated immediately, it may lead to severe infections.

  • Using Mouthwash: People tend to use mouthwash on a very regular basis not knowing that some of the mouthwashes contain acids that are harmful to your teeth.

  • Gum issues: This often happens in people suffering from periodontal disease as it exposes the dentin.

  • Dental procedures: After your teeth undergo a root canal, professional cleaning or any other dental procedures, then there are high chances that your teeth will become prone to sensitivity. This pain usually lasts for only four to five weeks and should be normal after that. 

Although there are several treatments available, it differs from one person to another. Dentists in Dubai claim that a proper diagnosis to find out the reason for the sensitivity is essential in treating sensitivity. Because once the reason for the sensitivity is addressed, the treatment chosen will be more successful in decreasing pain. If your dentist ends up treating the sensitivity without addressing the reason for it, the problem will continue to get worse. So, visit your dentist at the earliest to get this issue treated.

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