How to Relieve Headaches, Jaw Pain, and TMJ Related Symptoms

There are many people who suffer from jaw pain and bite problems without realizing that these problems can be resolved.


The jaw and surrounding facial muscles work harmoniously so that we are able to chew, yawn, open, and shut our mouths effortlessly. When this delicate relationship between muscles and bones is disrupted, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can develop. These disorders are often characterized by a vicious cycle of muscle spasms, facial pain, tenderness, and tissue damage. They are known as “TMJ” or “TMD”.


“TMD” stands for “Temporomandibular Disorder” or “Temporomandibular Dysfunction”. TMD occurs when the muscles surrounding and supporting the jaw get trapped in a chronic pain/spasm cycle, which can result in excruciating pain.


In this blog, Dr. Jocelyne Charest, the TMJ Expert at GDNC, is going to help patients and educate them about the TMD signs and symptoms and give them pieces of advice of how to deal with such pain and disorders.

What are TMD Signs and Symptoms?

Because the signs and symptoms that come along with TMD are so vast and varied, it can often be difficult to diagnose.


Before coming to our clinic, many of the patients treated by Dr. Jocelyne had a very long-suffering journey before visiting us. They visited many doctors of different specialties, including dentists, oral surgeons, ENTs, root canal specialists, neurologists, etc… but they never improved or got better. Most of them suffer from noises inside the jaw joints, episodes of locking, and pain. Some patients present with only joint noises and locking, while others only have pain.


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, contact a specialist who can treat the cause and the root of your pain. Most people know they have TMJ by finding out that their doctor’s recommended treatment hasn’t worked, or after trying some home remedies in the hope that the treatment would disappear, but it didn’t.


In either case, it may be time to talk to a specialized TMJ expert, who is going to detect and find out the reason for your jaw pain, ear pain, breathing disorder, or headache and treat the root cause.


You can reach us through our phone call, WhatsApp or the appointment form if you would like to get Dr Jocelyne Charest’s consultation, and we will happy to support you.

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